Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I've missed you all, lets see whats been cookin'

Hello Readers,

Since my last post, the mason jar project has taken some twists and turns all for the better of course! I have moved, changed jobs, and started school again so we have have been slightly quiet for the past year, but we are still moving along.

Updates include, new contributors to help with our prototype, locations for product photos, as well as a gifted new DSLR T3 Camera for the best possible presentation!

I have located an online cork company that has easy to purchase, and affordable corks for our mason jars. The Mason jar mouth sizing, and a couple minor design changes are in the works, but the body of the jar and the production process is solid and ready to get going.

The moment our 3D design is complete, I will have the jar 3D printed with the help of some friends who work for a large company that owns a printer! The printed prototype with then go directly into the hands of Myles Freedman our Glass Blower Expert, who will cast the 3D print and make a temporary cast for our prototypes.

Once we have our prototypes in hand, we can begin photography, and filming our kickstarter promo video.

This month I will apply for a grant for $1000 to pay towards our prototype cost and labor for our glass blower, and for our movie editor. I am a competent photographer and graphic designer, so I will be able to handle the rest!

cross your fingers that they choose us!

How to eat an elephant (I would never do it!)......one bite at a time!


Westline Design