Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Let's make a designer line of Mason inspired Jars!

My current project is to design a line of mason inspired jars

After researching for several months, I discovered that the potential problems outweighed the benefits if I were to have my jar designs manufactured on a large quantity scale. 

To manufacture in the USA would be very costly, and to manufacture in china was also too costly for my britches, and still too risky, considering I had no previous relationships or connections. This research led me to the idea of bringing back an ancient glass production process that began in Rome when Jars first gained their popularity. In 1-100 BC Romans poured glass into singular molds, and using the art of glass blowing they created beakers, cups, perfume containers, glass windows and so much more. This process is done by the thousands an hour now, with machine injection equipment, but I had never heard of it or seen it done. Now that we are in the makers movement, I thought I could find an artist somewhere who did this. After several calls in search of answers (understatement), I was finally led to an expert glass artisan who taught and worked just and hour and a half south of me. He said,  in so many words,"lets do it".

Holy cow! I couldn't believe it. Now I needed my 3D animation so we could get a mold quote. A colleague of mine who was previously on board with the jar project had respectfully stepped down. So I put an ad out in search of a designer who could help me see this project through. My third reply was a designer who works 20 min south of me, and has skills way beyond my imagination. I cannot afford him, but he's got a history with glass art, and was ready to partner. I couldn't be happier.

Now comes the busy part. Here we are, we have all the pieces of the puzzle and its time to share our mission. This project will be launched on kick starter in order to raise the funds that we need. I will be posting any information that pertains to this project, and all the research that I come across on the way! In the end, I am celebrating something that I find to be special, and I look forward to the ride it will take us on. 

looking forward to sharing


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